NBC (National Broadcasting Company) is an American English language commercial broadcast television network founded in 1926 that is a flagship property of NBCUniversal (which is owned by Comcast). The series of Mad About You which was aired from 1992 to 1999 for seven seasons.
NBC became the first national radio network in the United States and quickly expanded into television broadcasting in 1939 and It played a key role in the development of both radio and television, launching iconic shows like The Tonight Show in 1954, Saturday Night Live in 1975, Cheers in 1982, The Cosby Show in 1984, and Seinfeld in 1989. NBC has been a major player in American entertainment, news, and sports, shaping the media landscape for nearly a century.
During when Mad About You, Bob Wright, was the CEO of NBC (1986 to 2007), and Warren Littlefield was the president of NBC Entertainment (1990 to 1998), and under their leadership, NBC enjoyed a "Must See TV" era in which Mad About You was apart of solidifying its place as a dominant force in American television.